.NET Bluetooth

Reinventing the Wheel Again – Bluetooth on Linux

Sometimes it takes a while to realise that an API is lying to you. When implementing Bluetooth Classic support for Linux on .NET 6.0 and above I came to this realisation after going directly to the native API.

System.Net.Sockets has been available since the beginning of .NET. Traditionally this was a wrapper over the WinSock API which called into the same Win32 APIs you would use from C++, but providing an object-oriented API and throwing typed exceptions for native error codes. To use Bluetooth sockets on Windows or Linux you create a Socket with a specific AddressFamily. The Bluetooth address families have never been defined in .NET but 32feet.NET has provided implementations of these constants and classes to allow you to use Sockets for Bluetooth Rfcomm connections. The values and structures differ depending on platform and the library was able to hide those details from the consuming code.

Creating a Socket with AF_BLUETOOTH on Linux would throw an exception indicating the address family was not supported. This seemed wrong as the BlueZ API is present on the device (in this case a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS). So the first step was to talk to the organ grinder rather than the monkey – P/Invoking into the socket API in libc would give the true answer. Lo and behold the function returned a valid socket handle, not an error code.

This is where we get to reinventing the wheel. I first encountered a similar issue when getting the library to work on Mono on Windows – to support Unity based projects. It terms out that the Mono Socket was similarly hobbled and I could get around this limitation by recreating the entire Socket class with the underlying Win32 API calls. Having had that eureka moment I was able to reuse the basics of that implementation (The Win32Socket in 32feet.NET) with a new LinuxSocket class. Because Windows Sockets is based on the same Berkeley Sockets model that Unix uses the APIs are more or less identical except for the library name. Therefore it didn’t take too long to implement a working BluetoothClient. I haven’t worked on the BluetoothListener for Linux yet, but I don’t imagine it too be too difficult after having learned all of the above via a lot of trial and error and slow remote debugging!

Next Steps

I’m now going to complete the testing and add the Listener support. In the future I hope that the .NET Socket support is improved to remove the current limitation. I would expect the API to accept any Address Family and pass any errors through in the standard way rather than being limited to a subset of address families.

I’m not proposing that Microsoft adds any Bluetooth support into the the framework itself, but it should allow others to access available functionality through the underlying APIs, in the same way that we can on Windows. There is an open issue in the .NET Runtime tracking this, which I will be keeping an eye on.

If there are specific features you’d like to see added to the library or you have an issue integrating a particular device please do get in touch. All of this development work is just me working in my spare time, so if you can support the project through GitHub Sponsors or OpenCollective that would be awesome. I can also provide formal support arrangements or custom development, contact me for details.

By Peter Foot

Microsoft Windows Development MVP

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