Bluetooth Xamarin

Changes coming in Xamarin Android BluetoothSocket

While debugging an app I came across this new message in the Output window:-

"Not wrapping exception of type Java.IO.IOException from method `Read`. This will change in a future release."

When working with an RFComm service on Android you use a BluetoothSocket which in turn owns two Streams – one for Input and one for Output. Currently when there is a failure such as a broken connection the Read or Write operation will throw a Java.IO.IOException even though these streams are exposed as regular .NET Streams. It looks like Microsoft plan to change this behaviour and I presume this will be to wrap the exception in the equivalent System.IO.IOException. This makes a lot of sense and will improve consistency with other .NET flavours but it is something you need to be aware of as it will require code changes in your exception handling.

By Peter Foot

Microsoft Windows Development MVP